Higher – faster – further was yesterday. Today is: mindful – conscious – reducing and still enjoyable. “More” has long since ceased to be better, and success, growth and satisfaction have long since been redefined.

Global crises like the current ones produce an increased need for normative orientation. But what is there to orient oneself to when nothing is the same as before and learned business and behavioral models no longer work? How can the desire for change be turned into reality? How can social innovation be linked with entrepreneurial thinking and economic success? Protecting our ecological livelihoods is a prerequisite for social stability and economic prosperity. We need a new, sustainable and globally responsible understanding of prosperity and social cohesion. We need a fundamental systematic change in our societal, economic and social actions. We need all parts of society, business, science and politics to work together to master the greatest global challenge we have ever had to face. How, from what and in which world do we want to and can we live in the future? This is a question that everyone can and must answer for themselves. Whether as a founder, business leader or consumer. In each of our decisions lies a responsible power.

We have answered this responsible force for us with the launch of the IMPCT Valley.

Here, the non-profit IMPCT GmbH stands on an equal footing with the IMPCT for Change GmbH, as it takes both worlds and organizational forms to drive systematic change.

In the IMPCT for Change GmbH, consulting mandates are used to bring change and more sustainability into the world concretely at the leverage of the companies. But also to be able to pay the people who work in the non-profit IMPCT gGmbH fairly, equitably and in the long term. After years of self-exploitation typical of the nonprofit sector, we too have realized: Even nonprofit workers have to pay rent, fill refrigerators and buy shoes for their children. 

The interplay is our own circular model and, at the same time, a departure from linear economics: first accumulate a lot of money, then donate or endow. IMPCT always wants to be able to act freely and independently of donations or funding and remain neutral. We can only do this by creating our own independence and building up our own revenue chains in addition to donations and funding. In particular, this setup also allows us to initiate or promote projects freely and self-determined. The annual profit of the IMPCT for Change GmbH flows to 50% to the gGmbH.


Our position: Intermediary between the worlds that need and depend on each other – and yet often do not come together. IMPCT as a neutral mediator, as a helper to find the personal, entrepreneurial or social “levers” for sustainable growth and systematic change.